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India Flag Colour

The Vibrant Tapestry of India's National Flag: A Symbol of Unity and Pride

What Makes the Indian Flag Stand Out?

A Tricolor Masterpiece

The national flag of India, affectionately known as "Tiraṅgā" or the "tricolour," is a mesmerizing horizontal rectangular flag that captivates with its vibrant hues. Saffron, white, and green adorn this iconic symbol, each color carrying profound meaning.

The Language of Colors

Saffron, the color of bravery and sacrifice, occupies the topmost position. White, symbolizing peace, truth, and purity, resides in the center. Green, representing faith, chivalry, and fertility, graces the bottom. Together, they harmoniously weave a tapestry of national pride.

Unveiling the Symbolism

Beyond its vibrant colors, the Indian flag boasts an emblem of great significance: the Ashoka Chakra. This 24-spoke wheel, rendered in navy blue, is intricately woven into the white band of the flag. It's a symbol of progress and the relentless pursuit of change.

A Legacy of Tradition

The Indian flag, as we know it today, was adopted on July 22, 1947, just days before the nation gained independence from British rule. It was meticulously designed by Pingali Venkayya, a dedicated freedom fighter and artist who dedicated his life to creating a symbol that would unite the Indian people.

Epilogue: A Reflection of National Spirit

The Indian flag is more than just a piece of cloth; it's an embodiment of the nation's spirit. It's a testament to the power of unity, the pursuit of peace, and the unwavering belief in progress. As it flutters in the wind, it fills Indians with a sense of belonging and pride.
